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Red wine Facial Soap




 Red wine Facial Soap    ¥39
 Red wine soap is a fusion of wine and aloe vera juice, honey, rock sugar, natural glycerin, coconut oil, palm oil and other natural herbal extracts, can free radicals produced by neutralization of the skin, gently clean the skin at the same time, the pale spot anti wrinkle, whitening and moisturizing and skin consenescence to have a certain preventive effect.
Red wine soap especially add red wine essential oil, essential oil containing high activity of SOD, and the skin to produce free radicals and protect cells from oxidative, make skin whitening and bright.
Anti wrinkle Danban
Wine oil containing poly phenol can stimulate the skin's dull hypopigmented, improve metabolism, so spots to produce an obstacle or eliminate, the low concentration of acid has anti wrinkle cleansing effect.
The prevention of aging
Red wine contains polyphenols, its anti-aging ability is 50 times the vitamin E, 25 times the vitamin C. In addition, the red wine soap also specially added the milk, goat's milk contains the human milk and the same epithelial cell growth factor (EGF) have peculiar regeneration effect on human skin delicate, rapid repair aging, necrosis, wear of the epithelial cells, and promote skin elasticity, make skin beauty white.
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